Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Updating My BN FP Door Adword Campaign

This is a long long overdue you overhaul. I'm afraid that it is almost embarrassing how little attention has been shown to my ad words campaign's. The key is going to get me to get everything aligned:
– Ad copy/message
– Landing page aligning with message
- Category shopping page aligning with message
– Competitive research to make sure message aligns with market situation

So to Begin

1 - I updated the heat a later in superior add to focus on quick shipping and you do not have to wait three weeks for your door as you can see the results are in improvement. Campaigns/add groups below majestic Linux etc. have not been updated and reflect a lower click through rate. You can see that my position is good at the top. 

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Here is an example of the backend an ad words for what you can see the old ad set up. It needs to be updated.
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As I am considering the ad copy I must take into account the competitive nature on the search results page. As you can see from this screenshot with product featured under $150 I am not competitive at all showing a $369 price. I will have to test whether another message or reducing my prate price is the answer. 

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