Saturday, August 20, 2016

Updated BN Feed/Alert - Blog Post ACC #2

I spent the first hour this morning updating the brick in new feebly alert system adding and editing the Google alerts, interest alert, and YouTube alerts. I tried to figure out how to get a quora RSS feed set up but it does not seem to be available, so I set up a Google alert for Cora. This Will need to be a task that I delegate to Annie as I am refining the system. Continuous massaging is necessary as some search terms and alerts are too broad, Some irrelevant, And always opportunities for new ones.

Now to begin on blog post number two. The goal is to scan the alerts, find a relevant piece of data or topic, and then generate a paragraph on the topic. I want to be a drudge report type Post, but whereas drudge just Taylor's a headline for the pieces he finds interesting, I want to have a few sentences and a graphic that Will introduce the peace/topic.

Just scanning the notes I took yesterday is interesting and generates some ideas. First, an interesting fact is the loss of 300 million on 900,000 patients it covers under the ACA.
Is also the markets the Aetna is pulling out of Obama care period
Question: how many insurance companies were i fathernsuring ACA patients before Obamacare and how many are ensuring now?

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